Old News and Notices:


For the immediate future, I cannot accept any new orders. The back log of existing work, compounded by my “rat chewed” left thumb just makes it impractical to add fuel to the growing fire of stuff that has to be completed. Further, I won’t be able to take in any repairs.

Hopefully everything will be back up to speed by the new year.

Now, allow me to share why something as mundane as a clipped thumb can be such a problem. Anything requiring both hands, such as polishing, painting, shaping, all the “heavy lifting”, places a considerable strain in the ligaments. And that hurts. It also puts considerable tension on a healing thumb. I lost the whole tip of my left thumb, the entire portion that used to hold my thumbnail. My Doc says I’m an idiot to do anything. I told him my detractors think I’m an idiot despite anything I do, and I have a reputation to uphold.

What I am doing is the light duty stuff, making pickups, pickguards, wiring pickguards, etc., fret-leveling new necks waiting for their body’s to “catch up, standing there staring at my bandaged thumb and cussin’ a blue streak. It all has to be done, so at least things are progressing. I don’t stop, I never do.

Thanks for your many kind thoughts, and rest assured I didn’t do this on purpose.


9/19/22 - Delay in production

Any woodworker will tell you, pay attention when you’re using power tools. If you don’t, you may find yourself in the ER. Also, if you work with power tools long enough, eventually you’re going to find yourself in the ER. Long story short, there will be a delay in getting guitars finished for the next few weeks or so, but I still have (most of) all my fingers. I have a follow up appointment next week.


Introducing the Vaquero, an exceptional guitar, and first Original Design by Ron Kirn.
Order yours now!

RK Vaquero

The Vaquero was reviewed by Vintage Guitar Magazine, and listed as VG Approved gear, in their June 2022 issue.
Read for free here, on page 82.


Guys, please.. I understand, COVID is on the wane, and everyone is resuming a normal life. However, that does not mean the supply chain backlog, and the resulting chaos in the production of guitars has diminished.

I know ya all want your guitar last week… and ya want to know when… but, constantly asking “I don’t wanna be a nudge, but how’s it going, and can I get a photo”, really slows things down.

While you’re only “dealing” with your one guitar, or 3 in the case of one guy, I have almost 50 at some stage of production. While I’m looking for “your stuff”, I’m not building guitars. Not building anything is a great way to slow things down.

When you ask, I must first determine what you have ordered, then in what stage it is, then go rumble through the others that are at a similar stage, then clean it up and photograph it… with the necks it’s even more tedious… a couple of “asks” can eat up a morning tracking down everything.

So, please, unless your guitar is a life or death situation, wait until I notify you. I will, just not every few days. And please remember, I’m one guy. I do the receiving, shipping, making pickups, shaping, sanding, binding, routing, fretting, leveling, painting, sanding, polishing, siting here on the phone trying to help some decide on Lollars, or Fralins, or whatever… and whatever else I’m forgetting, all while having a normal life with the “normal” interruptions that can develop. 

And NO, I’m not going to move your guitar ahead of others because of whatever… “you” wouldn’t appreciate it if you were the guy getting skipped over would ya.. The only time something jumps ahead is if it’s ready for assembly and everything is in house.



New Ready to Ship guitars available! These one of a kind guitars are complete and ready to ship, no customization is available.

Ready To Ship


For the next several months all new orders for custom guitars will be placed on hold.

The reason is nothing more than I’m up to my eyeballs, and I’m not making any headway.  That, coupled with the “bottlenecks” the COVID pandemic has caused in the supply chain, has created a snafu in workshop procedure so that it’s taking much longer than normal to complete a guitar.

I appreciate your understanding, and will accept any order, with the knowledge it will not begin production until things get back to normal.

Ron Kirn


For the foreseeable future, Swamp Ash will command a premium surcharge. I’m sorry but for the past several years the Ash trees have been attacked by the Emerald Ash Borer. Then, compound that by requesting light weight, or a one-piece body, and the surcharge will increase even more.

If you must have the look of Ash or a light weight guitar, I recommend Paulownia.

This is a generational issue, it’s not going to be resolved for a very long time. In the 1800’s the Chestnut trees were attacked, and rendered virtually extinct. It’s taken over 150 years for that lumber to make its way back into the mainstream, and even now is still difficult to find.

Emerald Ash Borer Beetle

Site News - Updated 4/16/20

  • All new website design unveiled on April 16. My webmaster is in quarantine. She had a lot of time on her hands. Me too btw, but I prefer to spend my time in the workshop.

  • A new build walkthrough has been added! I built this Sitka Spruce S type in the spring and summer of 2008. I hope you enjoy this visit to my workshop as you peruse through 438 photos documenting every step from raw lumber to a beautiful Ron Kirn Signature guitar.